Spay & Neuter saves lives!

Help get them adoption ready by donating today!

Spay & Neuter saves lives! image


raised towards $1,600 goal




Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Help get them adoption ready by donating today!

We took in a lot of kittens and puppies this summer and now it is time to get them fixed and adopted. We have gotten 21 kittens and 8 puppies fixed so far this summer. As we go into fall, there are still more that are needing to be fixed and moved into foster homes. There are about 7 more kittens and 4 puppies who will need your help in the coming weeks. Each of these little ones will need to be fixed, vaccinated, chipped, and dewormed. Help them start their lives on the right foot by donating to their surgeries!

With your support, these kittens and puppies will be adoption ready and on the search for the perfect families to nurture them.