You're Needed to Help Fill Santa's Sleigh! image

You're Needed to Help Fill Santa's Sleigh!

Special Santa Sleigh Transport You can Help Make Possible.

$5,200 raised

$5,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

We have a wonderful surprise for this Holiday Season.

We are thrilled to have an amazing opportunity to get one last transport in before the end of the year for the 12 dogs ready to head to secured foster homes. We are poised to create Holiday magic for more pups for whom New Year could be spent in a loving home, whether temporary or forever!

For our team at St. Francis Farm in Carlisle SC, caring for animals during the holidays means giving up time with loved ones. As we head into the season we would love the opportunity to lighten the load as we are running on a diminished crew. Some of the dogs we hope to move are currently at the farm and others are with our shelter partners, who are struggling more than ever to keep their animals safe.

We are asking you to sponsor this special sleigh ride for a pup, so we save up to 15 dogs. This is on the tail of what we thought was our last transport of 27 cats and 15 dogs. Seeing the new arrivals so grateful for a chance at life, it is impossible not to want to do more. Please join us today and every day in our mission to save lives.

What better gift to give than the gift of life?

Please donate, share, and help us to pull together this final mission of 2022 by raising the funds to provide transport and medical care, in addition to our lifetime commitment for each animal rescued, meaning every animal we place, we are here in the event that their family can no longer keep them.

Have you ever fostered? There is no better time than now to consider it. These animals depend on us to see 2023 and make it their year to find happily ever after!